
大会情報「ARK LEAGUE 2020 IN SAMUKAWA 開催決定」

内野がオーガナイズするARK LEAGUEが
本日、11月21日 14:40 神奈川県庁で神奈川県、寒川町、一般社団法人ARK LEAGUEで共同記者会見が行われ、ARK LEAGUE 2020 IN SAMUKAWAの開催が正式に発表されました。

※4月に行われる ARK LEAGUE 2020 IN SAMUKAWAは、SKATEBOARD [STREET] のみの開催となります。BMX FLAT/BREAKINの世界大会に関しては、別時期で開催予定となっております。

ARK LEAGUE 2020 IN SAMUKAWAは表記の通り、WORLD SKATE(世界スケート連盟)と共催のSKATEBOARD [STREET] 5STAR COMPETITION となり、日本で唯一のオリンピック出場ポイントが獲得出来る世界大会です。
大会ランクは、FIVE STARイベントとなりDEW TOURなどと同様のポイントとなります。

日程: 2020/04/22(水)-26(日)
場所: 神奈川県寒川町 シンコースポーツ寒川アリーナ
住所: 〒253-0106 神奈川県高座郡寒川町宮山275


English below.

【 ARK LEAGUE 2020 was officially decided to be held 】
Today, at 2:40 pm on November 21st JST, General incorporate association ARK LEAGUE held a joint press conference with the governor of Kanagawa prefecture and the mayor of Samukawa town, and
ARK LEAGUE 2020 IN SAMUKAWA was officially announced.

*ARK LEAGUE 2020 IN SAMUKAWA in April 2020 will hold the only event for SKATEBOARDING [STREET]. The events for BMX FLATLAND and BREAKING are considered to be held on the different time.

As we mentioned that ARK LEAGUE 2020 in SAMUKAWA holds only the skateboarding event,
This event is co-hosted by WORLD SKATE(World Skateboarding Federation) and also classified as the 5-star Skateboarding(Street) event. Therefore this event is one and only world-class event that allows the competitors to gain the Olympic qualification points in Japan.
The Rank of the event is 5-star level which is the same level as Dew Tour so also provides the same point ranges with other 5-star level Olympic Qualifying Skateboarding events.

Date: April 22th(Wed) to 26th(Sun), 2020
Location: Shinko Sports Samukawa Arena in Samukawa, Kanagawa, Japan
Address: 275 Miyayama, Samukawa, Koza-Gun, Kanagawa, Japan 253-0106

*The details of event and the way of spectating the event will be announced on ARK LEAGUE Official website within a few days so please check it out.